21 Days of Prayer
A Season of Breakthrough
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
January 6-26
At the start of each new year, we set aside a dedicated time of prayer and fasting to seek God’s presence and align our hearts with His plan and purpose for our lives.
This is more than a practice—it’s a pursuit.
This sacred practice involves intentionally giving up something significant—whether it’s a meal, a habit, or a form of entertainment—as a way of turning our full attention to God. Through this act of surrender and focus, we open ourselves to hear His voice more clearly and experience His power in fresh, transformative ways.
This is more than a spiritual discipline—it’s an invitation.
God is inviting you to draw closer to Him and witness His extraordinary work in your life and in the lives of those around you. When we humble ourselves, Heaven moves on our behalf. God wants to move in your life in miraculous ways. The question is are you willing?
Daily Devos
Written by Zeke Banda
Scripture: Psalm 22, Mark 16
HE. IS. RISEN. Imagine hearing these words from the angel. Jesus was crucified and three days later rose from the grave! This changes everything as we know it. If Jesus walked out of the grave, then we are, too! He’s conquered sin, death, hell, and the grave. What does that mean for us? Well, with Jesus’ remaining time on earth, he appears to his disciples and gives them the Great Commission. Now that he has reconciled us to God, we are called to be witnesses of the good news of Jesus to every person in every place–to the ends of the earth. This is life or death we are talking about–people’s eternity. We have THE truth, we know THE purpose of life, and THE ONLY WAY to salvation; how could we possibly keep this to ourselves?
Reflection Questions:
We know Jesus had to die for our sins, but what does his resurrection teach us about Him?
How did you hear about the good news of Jesus?
Pray and ask God to show you who you can be the good news of Jesus to in your life.
Written by Casey Withers
Scripture: Exodus 1, Psalm 23
The discipline of fasting is a very real, tangible way to practice trust and dependence. Literally through physical lack we are seeking spiritual blessing. If you’re like me, this process also brings a lot of things to the surface of your heart that you might not otherwise know are there–wants, selfish desires, cravings, and more. How fitting that we land today on Psalm 23. David starts with the famous line: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Rather than glance over that, let’s meditate on that today. God is your shepherd. The Creator of the universe sees and knows you personally. He is your shepherd. And because of that truth, you have everything and lack nothing. Your God is all you need. Create space just to be with him today.
Reflection Questions:
What are some “wants” or “desires” that have surfaced through these past few weeks that the Holy Spirit is exposing in your life?
Psalm 23 mentions that God leads us for his name’s sake. Where do you see his name on display in your life to bring him glory?
Pray Psalm 23:1-6, replacing each personal pronoun with your name. You have a good God who is for you in every way imaginable.
Written by Sierra Banda
Scripture: Exodus 2, Psalm 24
Many years passed from the time that the Israelites were captured by the Egyptians to Moses returning to lead them to the promised land. I can only imagine how bitter the Israelites' lives were and how hard the labor must have been to bear all those years. They thought that God had forgotten about them, that He didn't hear them or care about them at all. I think we’ve all been in similar seasons of feeling far from God.
There are times where we just can’t seem to feel His presence or hear His still small voice. But, the truth is, God is closer than the very air we breathe. He is all knowing and all powerful. He is not only the God who sees but also the God who hears. Exodus 2 says that the Israelites groaned and cried out for help and “God heard their groaning and remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob.”And He hears you too! Even when you think He doesn’t. Rest assured the Lord is faithful to provide and answer.
Reflection Questions:
Do you believe that God hears you? Why or why not?
Spend some time in prayer crying out to God. Don’t be afraid to pray bold prayers. He hears you.
Written by Joe Bryson
Scripture: Psalm 25
The Lord is trustworthy, loving, and merciful above all. His guidance and truth will never put to shame those who have their hope in him. All of his ways are loving and faithful, for the Lord is good and upright. The Lord makes himself known to those who fear him. He remembers us according to His love, not the sins of our youthful, rebellious ways. The Lord instructs sinners and teaches the humble the way. The Lord guards and rescues, he protects with integrity and uprightness, and he is our redeemer!
Reflection Questions:
What is God saying to you from Psalm 25?
Take a moment to thank the Lord for his steadfast love and upright character.
Write a one sentence prayer to God based on how you want to live this out today.
Written by Casey Withers
Scripture: Psalm 26
As David reflects on God’s covenant love in this Psalm, he can’t help but bless the Lord. He reminds himself of God’s steadfast love. He walks in God’s faithfulness. He proclaims all God’s wonderful deeds in his life. He loves being in the house of worship near God’s presence. When you know God’s love, you trust his heart and character. His integrity is pure and holy, and the closer you draw to him, the more your heart and character become like his.
Hopefully, you have seen this take place these past 21 days. This is just a glimpse of the invitation to walking with God in closer proximity and a deeper relationship. It’s just the beginning. He has so much more.
Reflection Questions:
What has been the greatest change in you these 21 days?
What has God shown you about himself?
How will your prayers and time with God for the rest of 2025 reflect that?
Fasting is a time where we as followers of Jesus temporarily eliminate distractions, so that we can give our undivided attention to God. We do this so we can set aside our own desires and distractions, humbling ourselves, so that we can hear God’s voice. The focus is not to starve but rather to draw closer to God and feast on His presence.
What is Fasting?
Types of Fasts
Daniel Fast
During this fast you will remove meats, sweets, breads, and only consume plant-based meals.
“For three weeks, Daniel, who was a prophet during a time when Israel lived in exile, abstained only from ‘delicacies’ like meat and wine.” Daniel 10:3
Partial Fast
In this type of fast you will abstain from eating any food during the morning or the evening. This can be for a specific set of time such as 6am to 3pm or from sunrise to sunset.
Complete Fast
A complete fast means to drink only liquids, usually water and juices.
Item Fast
An item fast is from things that can be distracting, such as, social media or television, until the end of the fast and then bring these items back slowly. This option is great for those that don’t have experience in food fasts or have health restrictions.
January 6-26
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Our team has written a devotional to go with each daily Bible reading during these 21 days. Use this devotional as your companion on the journey to breakthrough.
For deeper engagement, go through this with a friend and share your insights with each other.
How to Use these 21 Days
Write down your breakthrough prayer(s).
What breakthrough are you believing God for in this season? Take a moment to reflect and write down your prayer request. Commit it to pen and paper.
Choose what you’ll fast from.
What type of fast will you commit to as you seek God’s presence during these 21 days?
Make a plan to seek God daily.
We have a Bible reading plan for 2025 that we are journeying through together as a church. We would love for you to jump in with us and make God’s Word a priority this year. Everything worthwhile starts with a plan.
When will you meet alone with God each day? Where will that be? How can ensure that time is protected?
Listen to God’s voice.
Open up your Bible each day and listen to God speak. Grab a journal and write down what you hear God saying.
What does this passage say about God?
What does this say about people?
What is God saying to me (repent)?
What will I do about it (believe)?
Pray scripture.
Write out a simple prayer based on the verse through which God spoke to you. Pray that verse back to the Lord, asking him to help you live out whatever He is asking you to obey.