Giving at CBC Denver
You don’t give to a church.
Generosity is the very heart of God—he gave us Jesus. We want to practice radical generosity because the love of Jesus changes everything. As a disciple of Jesus, it’s our privilege to give. You get to demonstrate the gospel in practical ways through how you see people, meet needs, and give sacrificially.
This is a part of what it looks like to be the good news of Jesus in every place. CBC Denver relies on your faithful generosity to invest in the mission of reaching every person in every place. Thank you for believing God has good news for Denver.
You give through a church.
Growing in Generosity
Our church encouragers three types of givers. If you have any questions about giving in particularly, please let us know.
First-time Givers
First-time givers just commit to giving monthly. This is a great first step for people to begin giving financially to CBC and to start taking steps towards tithing.
Tithing Givers
Tithing givers commit to giving 10% of their monthly income to CBC as their local church. This is a principle we see throughout the Bible and helps us be a blessing to others.
Above and Beyond Givers
Above and beyond givers go above the 10% financial tithe to invest further in what God is building all across Denver through CBC.
Yes, all financial contributions are securely handled by CBC Denver and are tax-deductible. At the end of the year, you will receive a contribution statement for tax purposes.
If you have an account, you can login and see your giving at any point.